Sunday, July 8, 2007

A Baby Boy is Born!

Our friends Alissa and Ben gave birth to Maverick Benjamin Bright on
July 1, 2007. He weighed a whopping 10 lbs. 7 oz. Alissa deserves a metal for all her hard work bringing him into this world. She went into the hospital to have him on Wednesday and didn't give birth until SUNDAY!

We went to visit the little family on Friday and got to hold Maverick, he is so little and cute. I didn't get to hold for very long, Aaron stole him away and was holding him most of the time. I think he has baby fever worse than I do!


Jenn Kirk said...

I remember having them in a couple of institute classes, and I actually saw them in the hall when we visited your ward a few weeks back.

That's AMAZING she gave birth to a 10 pounder! Hehe, she can be my inspiration since I have like, zero faith in my body to do such a thing!

Mandi said...

That is amazing. 10lbs is a big boy. Congrats!

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