Thursday, September 11, 2008

Wild Thing

I have a copy of WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE from my childhood. Recently, I shared this book to Garrett and now he is hooked. I think today alone we have read "the monster book" six times. I love that Garrett is getting so into books, he asks questions like "Mommy is Max naughty?"

Garrett is my little wild thing, which is why he probably loves this story so much...autobiography:)
On a side note, my goal is to keep a better record of funny things Garrett says, so here is the latest:

1. I'm telling a joke to my family, some political joke I heard the other day, right after the punch line Garrett turns to me and says "Mommy, that's not funny". I said (while holding uncontrollable laughter)Garrett that isn't very nice to say , he replied "It's just not funny for kids!"

2. Just today he came into the playroom, where I was checking my email and says nonchalantly:

"MMM, mommy"

Yes, Garrett

I made a mess

Where, in the backyard?

No in the house, sorry

Love the honesty! Turns out he dumped a container of bubbles on the table...thank goodness it wasn't peanut butter.

3. When Garrett passes gas, he says immediately afterward "excuse you Mr. Whale"

4. He calls Lemonade, "Yummy-ade"

5. Elevators are called "the up and down"


Jenn Kirk said...

LOL, I love it! So much fun, to be cracked up by your child all the time!

And how are you feeling these days? Miss you guys!

Amy said...

Garrett sounds like a crack up, I love the "Excuse you Mr. Whale", where did he come up with that one!? Happy Birthday Garrett!

kandi Smith said...

I still remembering Reno and the up and down, Garrett and I had so much fun, going up and down for a long time. Thanks for the update, miss our Garrett, love you all Grandma Meme and Papa2

Shaun and Aimee said...

I love kids books! Great choice Garrett. I might need to use the Mr. Whale thing once in a while.

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