Thursday, January 11, 2007

Baby Genius

Oh course all mothers think their baby is the smartest most cute baby ever, but I truly believe Garrett one smart cookie. Tonight I put in one of Garrett's Blue's Clues movies, he has watched this show several times...maybe even over 12 times. In the show the main character is Joe and he interacts with the viewer, or person watching the show. So here is how it went down...

Joe: "Hey kids, what do we need to solve this clue?"..."Our handy-dandy...(long pause, this is when the viewer is supposed to answer the question)"

Garrett: "Noteboo" (Notebook)

Isn't he the smartest baby ever! Only 16 months saying notebook right on cue!

Wow, it was pretty exciting!


Mandi said...

when you have two parents that are smart that equals one smart kid! I think peyton said mama the other day....but I think it was really rara!

Anonymous said...

oh, what a smart boy!! Kai "talks" a whole lot, but you know, in his baby language. I can't believe how many words Garrett is saying! Haha, I DO remember his first "NO!" being really early!

Aaron Smith said...

Maybe Peyton was saying "Sarah" she wanted her Aunt Sarah! We miss her!

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