Thursday, May 1, 2008

Joys of Pregnancy

I've had this pain in the lower area of my body that the doctors can only describe as pelvic pressure that is causing pelvic discomfort. Their solution is for me to try physical therapy. Then if that doesn't work, we will try bed rest. Oh please not bed rest!

I'm a little worried about the whole physical therapy thing, but it seems pretty non invasive. Well wish me luck, first appointment is on Monday morning. They wanted to be there at 8 a.m., but all that know me well, know that I would never be on time to anything that started at 8 a.m.

I'm rambling the mean time I'm having pain standing or walking, hence the title of the blog "the joys of pregnancy".


Lora Lovell said...

I wish you luck with the Physical Therapy! If you end up on bedrest...I can give you lots of tips (I was on bedrest with all my pregnancies). Your prego picture was darling. And the Bridal a great theme! I will have to remember that. I can't believe that Shelli has grown up! She will be a beautiful Bride!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Sar! I hope the physical therapy helps. good luck at 8am, hehe! love you,

Kiwi said...

That's such a bummer. You might want to try the chiropractor. I've got a great chiropractor that specializes in pregnancy.

Jenn Kirk said...

That pelvic girdle pain is just killer. I feel ya, girl!

I second what Kiwi said. I hear an adjustment can work wonders and get the baby in a much better position for you.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I had the same thing with Anthony and the chiropractor like two others said really does help. I had it really bad and could hardly walk without crying. I feel for you :) I hope you feel better, I know I haven't been all that great, No more for me after this!!!!!!!!!

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